The Siberians are a stunning and beautiful native cat from Russia. They are from the taiga of Siberia, a forested area with a subarctic climate that no doubt contributed to this cat’s long, thick, protective coat. The cats have been known in Russia for some 1,000 years and often figure in Russian folktales.
As in every culture, the cats were prized for their hunting ability by householders and shopkeepers. They kept mice and rats away from stores of grain and other foods.
Siberians were first imported to the United States in 1990 and were recognized by The International Cat Association in 1996. The American Cat Fanciers Association accepted the breed in 1999, followed by the Cat Fanciers Association in 2006. The breed is gaining popularity because it has a reputation for being hypoallergenic. The Siberian cat is highly affectionate with family and playful when they want to be. However, they’re just as happy to snuggle up with their humans as they are to chase a laser toy–maybe even happier.
This cat typically weighs 8 to 20 lbs or more. He does most of his growing in the first 18 months of his life. It is preferred to feed them a good kitten food mixed with adult food up to this age, It can take up to 5 years for the Siberian to reach his full size and coat.
The Siberian cat is affectionate and loves people. He wants to be near them, so expect this cat to follow you around, including to the bathroom, and to “help” you with all of your reading, TV ,computer work and meal prep. Often, they love to have their coat brushed. When you come home from work, he will be pleased to tell you all about his day in quiet, pleasant trills and purrs. Guests will find him to be a friendly host. Most of the Siberian’s growth occurs in his first year and a half of life. Your kitten’s breeder may recommend that you feed him kitten food during that time to make sure he gets enough nourishment.
Keep the litter box spotlessly clean. I am using pine pellets and mixing in corn cob granules. It works well in reducing odor and the corn cob catches the urine. Cats are very particular about bathroom hygiene, and a clean and a litter box will also help to keep the long coat clean. I have the vet shave the “back area” to keep things nice and tidy.
It’s a good idea to keep a Siberian as an indoor-only cat to protect him from diseases spread by other cats, attacks by dogs or fox, being hit by a car or being stolen. Large outdoor enclosures are perfect for his outdoor time, where he can jump and climb safely.
Coat Color And Grooming
The Siberian has a long triple coat with guard hairs (the outer coat), awn hairs (the middle part of the coat) and a downy undercoat. He has an abundant ruff around the neck, thick but slightly shorter hair on the shoulder blades and lower part of the chest, and thick fur on the belly and britches (the upper hind legs). The undercoat thickens in cold weather. The coat comes in all colors and combinations of colors, with or without white . Zeus loves being gently brushed. He sees the brush and comes running. Zoey is not interested yet. I am still working on it.
Although he looks powerful and alert, he looks out at the world with a sweet expression. His head is a modified wedge with rounded contours—broad at the top and narrowing slightly at the muzzle. They have medium to large ears and nearly round eyes that can be green, gold, green-gold, or copper. White Siberians or Siberians with white patches may have blue or odd eyes. My stunning boy Zeus is known as a Neva Masqeurade. This type is mainly white with color points and always with blue eyes. His body is muscular and he has big round paws with tufts of fur and a thickly furred tail. My female is more elegant with seal and white colors with blue eyes.
Children And Other Pets
The Siberian has a bold temperament, and nothing much ruffles his fur. These characteristics make him an excellent choice for a family with kids. Teaching kids to be kind and respectful to the kitten is important as well. No nighttime monsters will get past the Siberian on guard at the foot of your kids’ bed. My son had our Siberian as his guard when he was younger. Gilbert would either be at the foot of his bed or guarding his door. Siberians are happy to live with other cats and cat-friendly dogs. Introduce pets slowly and in controlled circumstances to ensure that they learn to get along together. In my circumstance, Zoey is the boss. She is half the size of Zeus, but she’s the boss and he is totally cool with it.